Fat Transfer

What is fat transfer?

This cosmetic procedure takes your own fat from other areas of your body and adds it to other areas of the body to enhance the contour of your body.

Is fat transfer for me?

If you have extra fat in other areas of your body, but would like to have it moved to other areas, this procedure could be for you! You can remove unwanted fat from areas like your hips, thighs, or stomach and add them to areas you would like to add volume to, such as the breasts or buttocks.

Average Cost

Depending on where you are removing the fat, how much is being moved, and where you want it placed, pricing for a fat transfer has a lot of varying factors. One of the more common procedures is breast augmentation using fat transfer and the average cost for that is around $9,150. To find out how much it would be to achieve your cosmetic goals, contact Bella Bella! 

Thigh Lift

What is a thigh lift?

A thigh lift, also known as thighplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that gets rid of loose skin from the thighs. This may be ideal especially after significant weight loss or sagging. 

Who is a good candidate for a thigh lift?

If you have loose skin or sagging in the thigh area, a thigh lift would be a great option for you. If you are a nonsmoker who is close to their ideal weight, you could benefit from this procedure.

Average Cost

 As with all cosmetic procedures, pricing varies from person to person, but the average cost for a thigh lift is around $8,875. To get accurate pricing for your specific cosmetic goals, contact Bella Bella today!


What is Brachioplasty?

Brachioplasty, or better known as an arm lift, is a great solution for people with loose skin and excess fat on their underarms. These can be referred to as “bat wings” and can be caused by genetics, aging, or a significant weight gain or loss. 

Is Brachioplasty for me?

If dieting and exercise aren’t tightening up your upper arm area, this procedure is a great solution! Brachioplasty will make your arms more toned and sculpted, restoring your confidence and a youthful appearance.

Average Cost

Depending on how much loose skin and excess fat needing to be removed during the arm lift, pricing does vary. The average cost for Brachioplasty is $7,300. To get your consultation scheduled, contact Bella Bella today! 

Buttock Lift

What is a buttock lift?

A buttock lift is done to raise and reshape the posterior by removing loose, sagging tissue.

Am I a good candidate for a buttock lift?

This procedure is usually performed after a significant weight loss since after losing so much weight, the buttock can appear droopy and deflated. If you have a lot of loose skin above the buttocks, this procedure could help alleviate that.

Average Cost

While pricing depends on factors such as how much lift is needed and which surgeon you select, the average cost for a buttock lift is $7,325. Find the most qualified surgeon in your area by contacting Bella Bella today!

Buttock Augmentation

What is buttock augmentation?

Buttock augmentation uses silicone butt implants to enlarge, shape, and contour the buttocks. These implants are similar to the ones used in breast augmentations, but butt implants are rubber. Making these implants out of rubber makes them last longer since you will be sitting on them.

Am I a good candidate for buttock augmentation?

If you are nonsmoking, don’t have too much loose skin, and would like to have a bigger, more prominent buttock, you may want to consider getting a buttock augmentation.

Average Cost

The cost of a buttock augmentation varies from person to person and also which surgeon you have selected, but the average cost is $9,225. For more accurate pricing, contact Bella Bella today to find a surgeon near you!

Brazilian Butt Lift

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian Butt Lift, also referred to as BBL, uses your own fat from a different area of your body to give you a fuller, rounder, perkier butt. The fat is usually transferred from the thighs, flanks, stomach, or back.

Should I consider a Brazilian Butt Lift?

If you are at a stable, healthy weight and have enough excess body fat to take to transfer to your butt, you would be a great candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift. If you are more on the thin side but otherwise a good candidate, you may need to gain 10-20 pounds before the procedure to give you enough fat to transfer to give you the results you are looking for.

Average Cost

Depending on the results you are looking for and which Bella Bella surgeon you choose, the average cost for a Brazilian Butt Lift is $6,575. Contact Bella Bella today to get your consultation scheduled!

Mommy Makeover

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is a term used for a combination of cosmetic procedures to help you get your pre-baby body back, which can include procedures like breast augmentation, liposuction, breast reduction, tummy tuck, or breast lift. Depending on the surgeon you choose, it can also include other procedures such as a Brazilian Butt Lift, perineoplasty, or even vaginoplasty. 

What makes a good candidate for a mommy makeover?

If you are in general good health, close to your ideal weight, and want your pre-baby body back, the mommy makeover is for you! Ideally, you would wait to receive a mommy makeover after you’re done having kids and at least 6 months after you have stopped breastfeeding so as not to undo the results from your surgery.

Average Cost

Since a mommy makeover depends on the area(s) you want to target amongst other variables, pricing is different from person to person. The average price for a mommy makeover is $12,625.

Mini Tummy Tuck

What is a mini tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck, also known as a mini-abdominoplasty or partial abdominoplasty, removes excess skins below the belly button to restore a smooth look to your lower abdomen.

Should I consider a mini tummy tuck?

This procedure is great for those who are self-conscious about their Cesarean section scar or stretch marks on their lower abdomen, giving you a more aesthetic abdominal contour.

Average Cost

Depending on how much is being removed or where you get the procedure done, the average cost for a mini tummy tuck is $6,250.

Tummy Tuck

What is a tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty, or better known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the contour of your abdomen by removing excess fat and skin while tightening the muscles.

Am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

Those who are at a stable weight and deal with excess abdominal skin would benefit greatly from this procedure. Like liposuction, a tummy tuck is not a weight-loss procedure; it is a body contouring procedure.

Average Cost

Since every body and procedure is different, pricing does vary depending on different factors, but the average price for a tummy tuck is around $8,275. For a more precise quote, schedule a consultation with one of our trusted Bella Bella surgeons.


What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a procedure that uses suction to remove unwanted fat. The fat is removed using a thin tube attached to a vacuum.

Should I consider liposuction?

If you want a weight-loss solution, cellulite treatment, or have underlying medical conditions, this procedure is not for you. It is also not ideal for those with poor skin elasticity since it can lead to sagging skin. Consult with your physician if you are unsure if this procedure is right for you. Liposuction is an option for those who are close to their ideal weight who want to contour their body instead of just getting rid of fat.

Average Cost

Depending on how much fat is being removed and which area(s) are targeted, as well as other factors, the average price for liposuction is $6,175. If you would like to schedule a consultation in your area, reach out to Bella Bella to get yours!