
What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a male breast reduction that is caused by a hormonal imbalance. This procedure removes the extra benign breast tissue that some men have and sculpts the pecs to have it contour to your body more aesthetically.

Is gynecomastia for me?

If you are a male with excessive breast tissue, gynecomastia can help you get the results you are looking for. 

Average Cost

Depending on the surgeon you choose and how much tissue needs to be removed, along with other factors, the average cost for gynecomastia is $5,575.

Breast Reduction

What is a breast reduction

A breast reduction is one of the more comment plastic surgery procedures requested.

Should I consider a breast reduction?

If your breasts are disproportionately large for your body, a breast reduction can help remedy symptoms paired with larger breasts such as shoulder, neck, and back pain, poor posture, skin irritation, and even difficulty doing exercises and running.

Average Cost

Depending on where you are getting your breast reduction or how much you need removed, the average cost for this procedure is $7,275. Schedule a consultation with your Bella Bella surgeon to get a more accurate quote for your specific cosmetic goals.

Breast Lift

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift, or otherwise known as a mastopexy, raises sagging breasts by removing and tightening the excess breast tissue. During this procedure, the areoles are also repositioned and may also involve an areola and nipple reduction.

Am I a good candidate for a breast lift?

Nonsmokers at a stable weight that have flat, sagging, elongated breasts would benefit greatly from a breast lift. Women with asymmetric breasts, low nipples, and stretched skin would also make good candidates.

Average Cost

While pricing varies from patient to patient and depending on where you are getting your procedure done, the average cost for a breast lift is $8,000. Schedule a consultation with your Bella Bella surgeon to get accurate pricing.

Breast Revision

What is a breast revision?

This procedure can remedy a scope of different issues women with breast implants may face, including an implant rupture, rippling, asymmetry, sagging, or capsular contracture. Some people with implants may even experience implant malposition, which is when the breast implants have moved from the position in which they were placed. A breast revision can also be used to correct symmastia, otherwise known as a “uniboob”. This can occur when the breast implants are placed too close together to form cleavage. Some women who just want the size or shape adjusted can get it done with a breast revision.

Should I consider a breast revision?

You may want to look into a breast implant revision if you are dealing with asymmetry, sagging, capsular contracture, malposition, or symmastia. If you have an implant rupture, the sooner you get that remedied, the better.

Average Cost

While the cost of the breast implant revision varies depending on factors such as the type of implant and where you are located, the average cost for this procedure is $8,100. Be sure to schedule a consultation to get a quote from your Bella Bella surgeon. 

Breast Augmentation (Saline Implants, Gel Implants)

What is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the size, shape, and volume of your breasts. You can choose from different implants from our Bella Bella surgeons like saline implants, gel implants, or even fat transfer. The implant options vary from surgeon to surgeon.

Should I consider breast augmentation?

You might want to consider breast augmentation if you want:

  • Bigger breasts
  • To add volume to your breasts
  • More cleavage
  • To balance out asymmetric breasts (where one is bigger than the other)
  • To lift breasts that have been sagging due to the effects of gravity or natural aging
  • To get a breast augmentation due to undergoing a mastectomy 

Average Cost

Prices vary depending on different factors such as the type of implant, but the average cost for breast augmentation is $6,525. Your surgeon should be able to give you a more accurate quote during your consultation.